



经典理论(Classic Theories)
弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德: 《公共公园与城镇扩建》(Frederick Law Olmsted, “Public Parks and the Enlargement of Towns ,”Journal of Social Science, III (1871))
齐奥尔格·西美尔:《大都市与精神生活》(Georg Simmel, “The Metropolis and Mental Life,” (1904), in K.Wolff, ed. The Sociology of Georg Simmel (1950).)
罗伯特·帕克:《城市:都市环境中人类行为调查的建议》(Robert Park, “The City: Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment,” American Journal of Sociology, (1916))
路易斯·沃斯:《作为一种生活方式的都市主义》(Louis Wirth, “Urbanism as a Way of Life,” American Journal of Sociology (1938))
瓦尔特·本雅明:《巴黎:十九世纪的首都》(Walter Benjamin, “Paris, the Capital of the Nineteenth Century,”in Benjamin, The Arcades Project (1999))
詹妮·沃尔夫:《隐匿的漫游者:女性和现代性文学》(Janet Wolff, “The Invisible Flaneur: women and the literature of modernity,” Theory, Culture, and Society, 2 (1985), 37-48.)
相关阅读(Related readings):
曼纽尔·卡斯特尔:《都市问题》(Manuel Castells, The Urban Question (1977), selections)
戴维·弗里斯比:《现代性的碎片:齐美尔、克拉考尔和本雅明作品中的现代性理论》(David Frisby, Fragments of Modernity: Theories of Modernity in the Work of Simmel, Kracauer, and Benjamin (1985))
理查德·桑内特:《公共人的衰落》(Richard Sennett, The Fall of Public Man (1977))
居伊·德波:《景观社会评论》(Guy Dubord, Comments on “The Society of the Spectacle (1998))
理查德·达格《大都市、记忆和市民权力》(Richard Dagger, “Metropolis, Memory, and Citizenship,” American Journal of Political Science, 25 (1981), 715-37.)
托马斯·班德尔:《历史、理论和大都市》(Thomas Bender, “History, Theory, and the Metropolis,” CMS Working Paper Series, No. 005-2006. Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University of Berlin)
凯萨琳·奈西:《弗劳拉·特里斯坦的都市奥德赛:迷失的漫游女和她的城市的笔记》(Catherine Nesci, “Flora Tristan’s Urban Odyssey: Notes on the Missing Flaneuse and her City,” Journal of Urban History, 27 (2001), 709-22)
当代理论(Contemporary Theories)
简·雅各布斯:《城市与国家财富》(Jane Jacobs, Cities and the Wealth of Nations (1984))
内斯托尔·加西亚·坎西利尼:《墨西哥:文化全球化中一个正在瓦解的城市》(Nestor Garcia Canclini, “Mexico: Cultural Globalization in a Disintegrating City,” American Ethnologist, 22 (1995), 743-91.)
爱德华·苏贾和艾伦·斯各特编:《城市:二十世纪末的洛杉矶和都市理论》(Edward W. Soja and Allen J. Scott, eds. The City: Los Angeles and Urban Theory at the End of the Twentieth Century (1996),Selections)
艾什·艾米和奈杰尔·思瑞夫特:《解放城市》(Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift, “The Emancipating City,” in Loretta Leeds, ed. The Emancipating City (2004), 231-35.)
相关阅读(Related readings):
基多·马蒂诺蒂:《谁的城市?大都市第二代的暂居者和城市生活》(Guido Martinotti, “A City for Whom? Transients and Public Life in the Second-Generation Metropolis, in Robert Beauregard and Sophie Body-Gendrot, eds. The Urban Moment (2002))
达芙妮·斯佩恩:《从芝加哥到洛杉矶之路上的两性关系出了什么问题》(Daphne Spain, “What Happened to Gender Relations on the Way from Chicago to Los Angeles,” City & Community, 1-2 (2002), 155-69.)
雷纳·班纳姆:《洛杉矶:建筑学的四种生态》(Reyner Banham, Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies (1971))
马克·戴维斯:《石英城市: 在洛杉矶挖掘未来》(Mike Davis, City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (1990).)
Michael Dear and Steven Flusty, “The Iron Lotus: Los Angeles and Postmodern Urbanism,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 551 (1997), 156-73.)
南·艾琳《后现代都市主义》(Nan Ellin, Postmodern Urbanism (1996))
爱兰·斯各特:《创意城市:概念问题和政策疑点》(Allan J. Scott, “Creative Cities: Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions,” Journal of Urban Affairs, 28 (2006), 1=17.)
阿里夫·西纳和托马斯·班德尔主编:《都市虚构:现代城市的定位》(Alev Cinar and Thomas Bender, eds. Urban Imaginaries:Locating the Modern City (2007).)
斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆和西蒙·马丁:《碎片化的都市主义:网状架构、技术流动和都市状况》(Stephen Graham and Simon Martin, Splintering Urbanism:Networked Infrastructures, Technological  Mobilities, and the Urban Condition (2001))
托马斯·班德尔:《历史、理论和大都市》(Thomas Bender, “History, Theory, and the Metropolis,” CMS Working Paper Series, No. 005-2006. Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University of Berlin)
罗伯特·鲍尔嘉德:《都市理论史》(Robert Beauregard, “History in Urban Theory,” Journal of Urban History, 30 (2004), 627-35.)
iddot;葛迪勒, 亚历山卓·拉哥波罗斯主编:《城市与符号》(M. Gottdiener and A. Lagopoulos, eds. The City and the Sign (1986), chaps. 1,3,4, 9. Edward)
马克思主义分析(Marxist Analysis)
大卫·哈维:《后现代的状况》(David Harvey, The Postmodern Condition
雷蒙德·威廉斯:《乡村和城市》Raymond Williams, The Country and the City (1973))
相关阅读(Related readings):
大卫·哈维:《社会正义与城市》、《资本的都市化》、《意识与都市经验》(David Harvey, Social Justice and the City (1973),The Urbanization of Capital (1985),Consciousness and the Urban Experience (1985))
曼纽尔·卡斯特尔:《都市问题》(Manuel Castells, The Urban Question (1977))
罗莎琳·德意志:《男孩城镇》(Rosalyn Deutsche,” Boys Town,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 9 (1991), 5 – 30)
尼尔·史密斯:《新都市前沿:绅士化与恢复失地的城市》(Neil Smith, The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City (1996))
城市权力(Right to the City)
亨利·列斐弗尔:《城市写作》(Henri Lefebvre, Writings on the City (1996), selections
埃里克·克莱恩伯格:《热浪:芝加哥灾难的社会学解剖》Eric Klinenberg, Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago (2002))
相关阅读(Related readings):
大卫·哈维:《社会正义、后现代主义和城市》(David Harvey, “Social justice, postmodernism and the city, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16 (1992),588-601.)、《社会正义与城市》( Social Justice and the City (1973).)
艾利斯·马里昂·杨:《正义与差异政治》(Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference(1990))
唐·米歇尔:《城市权:社会正义和公共空间的斗争》(Don Mitchell, “The Right to the City. Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space,”  (2003))
托马斯·班德尔:《城市、知识分子和市民》(Thomas Bender, “Cities, Intellectuals, and Citizenship,” Citizenship Studies, 3 (1999), 203-20.)
基多·马蒂诺蒂:《谁的城市?大都市第二代的暂居者和城市生活》(Guido Martinotti, “A City for Whom? Transients and Public Life in the Second-Generation Metropolis, in Robert Beauregard and Sophie Body-Gendrot, eds. The Urban Moment (2002))
城市和全球化:节点、流动和民族志(Cities and Globalization: Nodes, Flows, and Ethnography)
安东尼·金:《边界、网络和城市:游戏和再游戏》(Anthony D. King, “Boundaries, Networks, and Cities: Playing and Replaying Diasporas and Histories,” in Alev Cinar and Thomas Bender, eds. Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City (2007), 1-14.)
萨斯基亚·萨森:《全球城市:纽约、伦敦、东京》(Saskia Sassen, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (1991))
米歇尔·皮特·史密斯:《地方的权利:本土和全球的再理论化》(Michael Peter Smith, “Power in Place: Retheorizing the Local and the Global,” in John Eads and Christopher Mele, eds. Understanding the City (2002), 109-30.)
相关阅读(Related readings):
曼纽尔·卡斯特尔:《信息化城市》、《网络社会的崛起》(Manuel Castells, The Informational City (1989), The Rise of the Network Society (1996))
阿布杜马里克·西蒙:《作为构件的人:约翰内斯堡的交叉碎片》(AbdouMaliq Simone, “People as Infrastructure: Intersecting Fragments in Johannesburg,” Public Culture, 16 (2004), 407-29.)
阿基里·班贝和萨拉·纳托尔:《来自一个非洲大都市的世界写作》(Achille Mbembe and Sarah Nuttall, “Writing the World From an African Metropolis,” Public Culture, 16 (2004), 347-72, and exchange with Michael Watts in Public Culture,17 (2005), 181-92, 193-201.)
马克·戴维斯:《迪拜的恐惧和货币》(Mike Davis, “Fear and Money in Dubai,” New Left Review, 41 (2006))




  1. 很多是我想看的。 尤其是:
    马克思主义分析(Marxist Analysis)
    雷蒙德·威廉斯:《乡村和城市》Raymond Williams, The Country and the City (1973))
    大卫·哈维《资本的都市化》、《意识与都市经验》(David Harvey, Social Justice and the City (1973),The Urbanization of Capital (1985),Consciousness and the Urban Experience (1985))
    曼纽尔·卡斯特尔:《都市问题》(Manuel Castells, The Urban Question (1977))
    罗莎琳·德意志:《男孩城镇》(Rosalyn Deutsche," Boys Town," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 9 (1991), 5 – 30)
    尼尔·史密斯:《新都市前沿:绅士化与恢复失地的城市》(Neil Smith, The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City (1996))
    城市权力(Right to the City)
    亨利·列斐弗尔:《城市写作》(Henri Lefebvre, Writings on the City (1996), selections
    埃里克·克莱恩伯格:《热浪:芝加哥灾难的社会学解剖》Eric Klinenberg, Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago (2002))
    相关阅读(Related readings):
    大卫·哈维:《社会正义、后现代主义和城市》(David Harvey, “Social justice, postmodernism and the city, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16 (1992),588-601
    艾利斯·马里昂·杨:《正义与差异政治》(Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference(1990))
    唐·米歇尔:《城市权:社会正义和公共空间的斗争》(Don Mitchell, “The Right to the City. Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space,” (2003))
    托马斯·班德尔:《城市、知识分子和市民》(Thomas Bender, “Cities, Intellectuals, and Citizenship,” Citizenship Studies, 3 (1999), 203-20.)
    基多·马蒂诺蒂:《谁的城市?大都市第二代的暂居者和城市生活》(Guido Martinotti, “A City for Whom? Transients and Public Life in the Second-Generation Metropolis, in Robert Beauregard and Sophie Body-Gendrot, eds. The Urban Moment (2002))
    城市和全球化:节点、流动和民族志(Cities and Globalization: Nodes, Flows, and Ethnography)
    安东尼·金:《边界、网络和城市:游戏和再游戏》(Anthony D. King, “Boundaries, Networks, and Cities: Playing and Replaying Diasporas and Histories,” in Alev Cinar and Thomas Bender, eds. Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City (2007), 1-14.)


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